John’s Arrogance

Pride leads to destruction; a proud attitude brings ruin. Proverbs 16:18

The classroom buzzed in anticipation of today’s topic. The Christian issues class was one of the most best-attended Sunday school classes at Hope Church.

The classroom buzzed in anticipation of today’s topic. The Christian issues class was one of the most best-attended Sunday school classes at Hope Church.

John, a lay leader of the class, charged into the room and plopped his Bible on the podium. “It’s time to get started.”

The room quieted down. “Today we are going to talk about predestination versus free will. In the book of Romans it says that He foreknew–that He conformed us to be the image of His son. God chooses or predetermines who is going to get eternal life. I believe we’re predestined. Class, what do you think?”

Silence. Nobody knew how to respond.

Finally Ruth spoke and said. “John, you’re just plain wrong,” she said. “Why would the Lord pick one person over another?”

John looked down and pointed to his Bible, “The Bible clearly says in Romans 8:29 that God knew before.”

“What about Deuteronomy 30:19?”

John smirked . “What about it?”

Ruth picked up her Bible and pointed at the verse.

“Here’s what it says.” Then she read out aloud, “So choose life in order that you may live.”

John laughed. “It does not say we have a free will!”

Defiantly, Ruth shot back, “That’s exactly what it says!”

John waved his finger and yelled, “You have to go by what the Bible says, and the Bible clearly says we are predestined. Anyone who says differently is just plain wrong!”

Ruth sighed. “John, I am willing to listen to your views. I don’t want to be disruptive and turn this class into a big argument. Could we talk after class?”

John snickered, ‘No problem. I have been studying the Bible since I was a kid. I know it backward and forward. I am always willing to educate people on my expert knowledge.”

When the class ended, Ruth waited for everyone to trail out of the room. Then she went up to the podium and faced John.

“John, the real problem is not that we disagree on predestination.” She took a deep breath. “The problem is that you don’t listen to other people’s views. It has always been that way in this class. You force your views on others and never listen to what they have to say.”

“I am not forcing my views on other people.”

“Yes, you are! Not everyone interprets issues or the Bible the same way you do.”

“In this case, my interpretation is right. John closed his Bible and held it at his side. I am bibically correct.”

Ruth’s rolled her eye‘s. “It’s wonderful that you have studied the Bible since you were a child, but that doesn’t make you infallible.”

John slammed his fist on the podium, “I am right and you are wrong!”

Ruth laid her hand on his arm and gently said, “John, you have a pride problem. People come here to have a discussion. They don’t want you ramming your thoughts down their throats.” She removed her hand. “You’re hurting people’s feelings.”

John laughed. “I am not hurting people with the truth,” he said.

Ruth clenched her fists, “John, you need to listen to other people.”

John turned and stormed out of the room, and slamming the door.

Ruth sought out the pastor in his office and sat down.

Taking a deep breath, she said, “Pastor Brian, I am having a problem with John.”

“I’m listening.” The pastor eased back in his chair. “What’s the problem?”

Ruth swallowed hard. “The Christian issues class.” She blinked back threatening tears. “I thought we were suppose discuss issues?”

Pastor Brian looked confused. “Of course. Why?”

Ruth closed her eyes to gather her thoughts. Opened then, she replied, “Because with John it seems it’s his way or the highway. He wants to shove his thoughts and theories down everybody’s throats and not listen to other people. There’s no polite discussion.”

“What do you mean?”

Ruth straightened up in his chair and forged ahead. “Sunday we talked about predestination. He cut me off. He wouldn’t listen to my views.” She clasped her hands together so tightly they hurt. “I don‘t agree with his interpretation. And it’s not so much the subject. It’s the way he refuses to listen to anyone. He argues instead of leading a discussion. He is shoves his theories down people’s throats, It hurts people’s feelings when he does that.”

The pastor starred off into space. “I hear what you say,” She was not the first person to complain about John. “Thank you for telling me about this. I will talk to him.”


A week later John met Pastor Brian in his office.

“John, I want to thank you for coming.”

“Your welcome.” John leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “What’s up?”

The pastor angled forward. “We’ve had a few complaints about you.”

John sneered. “Now what?”

“You teach the Christian issues class, a class for discussing issues in the church and. society. I picked you because of your Bible knowledge and you seem to have a handle on current affairs. But we all have different views and don’t always agree.”


“Some people in your class feel you won’t let them have differences with you. They say you shove your views down their throats. I believe you have a serious pride issue.”

John lowered his head and glared at Brian. “I have studied the Bible since I was a child.” He ground his teeth, “Their views are not biblical.”

“One of the topic’s you recently discussed was predestination. Not everybody agrees on this subject, and that is healthy. But you put people down when they don‘t agree with you.”

“Pastor Brian, I’ve got to go by what the Bible says.”

“Of course you have to be biblical, but people have a right to different opinions and I need you to respect those opinions. That’s neither unchristian, nor unbiblical.

John beat his fist on pastor‘s desk, “I will go only by what the Bible says.”

Pastor sighed and shook his head. “John, don’t take this attitude. If you do you will no longer teach the Christian issues class. We will not allow you to disrespect people.”

John leaped to his feet “That’s not fair! Don’t you believe in the Bible?”

The frustrated pastor raised his voice, “I do believe in the Bible. This is a class on issues and sometimes controversial topics. You should be leading discussions where there can be differences of opinion. The problem is you. You are not respecting other people’s opinions. Instead, you are shutting them down.”

“You’re not fair, pastor!” John stalked to the door shouting, “I quit!” before slamming the door.

Pastor Brian held his head in his hands and sighed. Such a waist.

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